So Christmas was a five days ago now, it seems to have been over in a flash and I'm desperate to drag out the rest of this holiday as much as possible!
This tee shirt is despised by my Mum who thinks it's hideous, which it sort of is but I have a tendency to gravitate towards ugly or abnormal pieces. Anyway, I found it in Matalan and decided to buy it because I rarely wear any colour. The floral design contrasts the sporty feel of the perforated material which is cool and I like how it has a dipped hem at the back which will be perfect with shorts in Summer, I know it's way off yet!
I am wearing it with a simple collar necklace from Topshop and my trusted coated jeans, also from Topshop... as are my boots, hey at least there was one non-Topshop item in this outfit!
My eyeshadow is Mac Cranberry blended out with Peaches blush also by Mac, I've been really into warm toned shadows lately and so I was super happy to get some new pans for Christmas to fill my palette. I will be uploading some makeup/beauty related posts soon so stay tuned.
Hope you all had an amazing Christmas xx